Pre-Bonsai for Sale:
Our pre-bonsai stock trees are specifically grown and developed with a bonsai future in mind. We offer a diverse array of species both traditional and those native to North American. Our pre-bonsai are old enough to work with but young enough to shape to your unique vision!
Pre-Bonsai Shimpaku Juniper … $55.00/each plus shipping
Shimpaku juniper: Classic evergreen material widely used in bonsai. We offer these in 6″ bulb pans with ~3/4″ trunks they are 9-10″ tall from top of pot. We have a large number of these available at $55.00 each plus shipping.
Pre-Bonsai Parsely Haw … $45.00/each plus shipping
Parsley Haw (Crataegus marshallii) Eastern US native material in 8″ bulb pans. These have ~1/2-5/8″ trunks and are 18-24″ tall. Height can be reduced for shipping. Seldom available, at maturity these will have small white flowers and persistent red fall fruits. Hardy to USDA zone 7 in the ground. $45 each plus shipping.